CLASS:Incom/Subpro Z-95-AF4 Headhunter |
SIZE:11.8 meters long |
SPEED:2780G or 1,150 kilometers per hour in atmosphere |
CAPACITY:1 pilot |
WEAPONS:2 Taim & Bak KX5 laser cannons and 2 Krupx MG5 concussion missile launchers |
DEFENSES:Titanium reinforced alloy hull and deflector shield generator |
DESCRIPTION:The Z-95 Headhunter is one of the oldest starfighters still in use by the New Republic. The original Mark I Headhunter was created by Incom and Subpro and was marketed as an atmospheric fighter craft, but Incom claimed that the fighter could be easily modified for space flight. The fighter was in fact not suitable for space,, so Incom created more advanced versions of the fighter more suited for sublight travel. The AF4 model was comparable to the Y-Wing in terms of destructive capability with two Incom 2a fission engines, Taim & Bak KX5 laser cannons, and two proton torpedo launchers. The Headhunter is favored by space pirates because it can easily modfied and upgraded, but the Rebel Alliance also used it as a traoning craft since the controls are identical to the X-Wing and Y-Wing. |
CLASS:Incom Corporation T-65B X-Wing Space Superiority Fighter |
SIZE:12.5 meters long |
SPEED:3700G and Class 1 Koensayr R300-H hyperdrive system, or 1,050 kilometers per hour in atmosphere |
CAPACITY:1 pilot, 1 astromech droid, and 110 kilograms of cargo |
WEAPONS:4 Taim & Bak KX9 laser cannons and 2 Krupx MG7 proton torpedo launchers |
DEFENSES:Chempat "Defender" deflector-screen projector, Chempat defender deflector-shield projector, and reinforced titanium alloy hull |
DESCRIPTION:The X-Wing is the most famous starfighter in the galaxy as it was pivotal in destroying both Death Stars. Many technicians believe it was the most advanced single-pilot starfighter ever created. It receives its name from its double-layered wings that swing open to form an X during combat to increase maneuverability during dogfights. The X-Wing is a perfect balance of armor, speed, and weaponry, making it adaptable to any combat role. Placed behind the pilot is an astromech droid, which can perform in-flight repairs, navigation, flight adjustments, and astrogation. Since the Battle of Yavin, several variants have been produced including the T-65A3 (improved shields, lasers, and targeting computers), T-65AC4 (increased durability), T-65R (recon X-Wing), and the T65XJ3 (includes three proton torpedo launchers). Most XJ3 X-Wings were used by Jedi Knights during the Yuuzhan Vong War. |
CLASS:Koensayr BTL-53 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter |
SIZE:16 meters long |
SPEED:2700G and Class 1 Koensayr R300-H hyperdrive system, or 1,050 kilometers per hour in atmosphere |
CAPACITY:1 pilot, 1 astromech droid, and 110 kilograms of cargo |
WEAPONS:2 Taim & Bak KX9 laser cannons, 1 ArMek Sw-4 ion cannon, and 2 Krupx MG7 proton torpedo launchers |
DEFENSES:Chempat deflector shield projector, and reinforced alusteel hull |
DESCRIPTION:The Y-Wing was the Rebel Alliance's main attack starfighter before the introduction of the X-Wing. The Y-Wing is known for its heavy firepower and durability, which made it perfect for attacking capital ships, light bombing runs, and surgical strikes. Like the X-Wing, it also featured an onboard astromech droid to assist in navigation and inflight repairs. The only drawback to the Y-wing was its decreased speed and maneuverability that made it unsuitable to dogfight with TIE Interceptor squadrons. |
CLASS:RZ-1 Rebel Alliance A-Wing Starfighter |
SIZE:9.6 meters long |
SPEED:5100G and Class 1 Incom GBk-785 hyperdrive system, or 1,300 kilometers per hour in atmosphere |
CAPACITY:1 pilot, and up to 40 kilograms of cargo |
WEAPONS:2 Borstel RG9 laser cannons and Dymek HM-6 concussion missile launchers(racks of 6) |
DEFENSES:Forward and rear projecting Sirplex Z-9 shield generator and titanium reinforced alloy hull |
DESCRIPTION:When the Rebel Alliance needed a fighter to compete with the TIE Interceptor, General Jan Dodonna and engineer Walex Blissex developed the A-Wing fighter, the fastest starfighter during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Twin Novaldex engines gave the fighter incredible sublight speed and performance, which only the best pilots could handle. The A-Wing featured a pair of linked laser cannons that could elevate and depress 60 degrees and concussion missile launchers along its forward edge. It also carried a powerful sensor jammer that could wreak havoc on smaller fighters, but was useless on capital ships. The fighter's speed came at a price - it had weak shields and very light armor. A few, well placed shots would usually down the fighter and the bubble canopy also left the pilot susceptible to enemy fire. Green Squadron flew A-Wings during the Battle of Endor and a trio of A-Wings were able to destroy the Executor's bridge, making it crash into the Death Star II. |
CLASS:Slayn & Korpil B-Wing Heavy Assault Fighter |
SIZE:16.9 meters long |
SPEED:2390G and Class 2 Slayn & Korpil HYd-997 hyperdrive system, or 950 kilometers per hour in atmosphere |
CAPACITY:1 pilot and 45 kilograms of cargo |
WEAPONS:2 Gyrhil 72 twin auto-blasters, 2 Krupx MG9 proton torpedo launchers, 3 Armek SW-7a ion cannons, and 1 Gyrhil R-9X laser cannon |
DEFENSES:Chempat deflector shield projector and titanium reinforced alusteel hull |
DESCRIPTION:When the Empire designed stronger starships, Admiral Ackbar and Verpine technicians designed the B-Wing. It was a bizarre-looking starfighter with a complex gyroscopic control system that keeps the pilot in a signle orientation during maneuvers. The B-Wing carried an extreme amount of firepower which featured three ion cannons, three laser cannons, and two proton torpedo launchers. The B-Wing's speed and maneuverability was better than the Y-Wing, but was inferior compared to the X-Wing and A-Wing. |
CLASS:Modified Incom T-47 Airspeeder |
SIZE:5.3 meters long |
SPEED:1000 kilometers per hour, with 570 kilometers optimal combat speed, and a maximum altitude of 250 meters |
CAPACITY:1 pilot, 1 gunner, and 10 kilograms of cargo |
WEAPONS:Double laser cannons and power harpoon |
DEFENSES:Heavy armor plating |
DESCRIPTION:When the Rebel Alliance evacuated their base on Yavin and moved to Hoth, they modified T-47 airspeeders to adapt to the intense cold of the ice planet. the "snowspeeders" were used for patrol and defense of Echo Base and featured two front-facing blaster cannons and a rear-mounted tow cable. Rogue Squadron used the snowspeeders to delay Imperial AT-ATs and allow the Rebel transports to escape. |
CLASS:Modified Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-1300 Transport |
SIZE:26.7 meters long |
SPEED:3000G and Class 0.5 Corellian Engineering Corporation subspace-hyperdrive, or 1,050 kilometers per hour in atmosphere |
CAPACITY:2 crew, 2 navigators, 2 gunners, and 6 passengers, as well as 100 metric tons of cargo |
WEAPONS:2 ST2 concussion missile launchers(rack of 4), 1 rotating Taim & Bak auto blaster cannon, and 2 Corellian Engineering Corporation AG-2G quad laser cannons |
DEFENSES:Titanium reinforced hull, Kuat Drive Yards aft deflector shield generator, Torplex fore deflector shield generator, Novaldex stasis-type shield generator, Nordoxico anti-concussion shield generator, and Carbanti 29L electromagnetic countermeasures package |
DESCRIPTION:To the naked eye, the Millenium Falcon is just a standard cargo freighter, when in fact it has been heavily modified by its pilots, Han Solo and Chewbacca. Some of these modifications include a versatile long-range sensor suite, two quad laser cannon turrets that were connected to autotracking fire controllers in the cockpit, Star Destroyer armor plating, and augmented deflector shields. The Falcon is considered one of the fastest ships in the galaxy because of the heavily modified Class 0.5 hyperdrive engine. Because of all these advanced upgrades, the engine systems are very tempermental and require constant maintenance. The Falcon originally belonged to Lando Calrissian, but Solo won it from Lando in a card game. |
CLASS:Gallofree Yards Medium Transport |
SPEED:900G and Class 4 hyperdrive, or 650 kilometers per hour in atmosphere |
CAPACITY:6 crew, 1 gunner, about 90 passengers, and 19,000 metric tons of cargo |
WEAPONS:4 twin laser cannons |
DEFENSES:Single standard shield generator mounted atop command module and heavy armor plating |
DESCRIPTION:The Rebel Alliance used a variety of starships as transports, but the most common was the Gallofree Yards Medium Transport. These starships had a cargo capacity of 19,000 metric tons and could transport almost anything. The transport was relatively outdated, very slow, and rarely sported any weapons. They were often escorted by X-Wing squadrons or land-based ion cannons. These transports were pivotal in evacuating Rebel personnel during the Battle of Hoth. |
CLASS:Kuat Drive Yards EF76 Nebulon-B Frigate, Medical Variant |
SIZE:300 meters long |
SPEED:1200G and Class 2 Triple Taim stardrive and hyperdrive system, or 800 kilometers per hour in atmosphere |
CAPACITY:854 crew, 66 gunners, 80 medics, 30 medical droids, 745 patients, 75 troops, 15 bacta tanks, complete medical supplies, and 6,000 metric tons of cargo |
WEAPONS:6 Taim & Bak X1-7 turbolaser batteries, 8 Borstel RH8 laser cannons, and 2 Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors |
DEFENSES:Enhanced Delphus SC-671 projected shields, Serridge SEAL shielding system, and titanium reinforced hull |
DESCRIPTION:Most of the vehicles and starships used by the Rebel Alliance were stolen from the Empire. A prime example of this is the Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-B Escort Frigate. It was designed to protect larger starships with its armament of twelve laser cannons and twelve turbolaser cannons. The frigate defended itself with a hangar that could hold twenty-four starfighter, tough shields, and reinforced armor hull. The frigate also featured two tractor beam projectors for rescuing crippled starfighters or capturing enemy vessels. Early in the war, Nebulon-B frigates were the primary assault ships for the Rebel Alliance, but were converted into search-and-rescue starships, command vessels, and long-range recon ships when more powerful capital ships entered the Alliance fleet. The most well-known Nebulon-B is the Redemption, which was modified to serve as a medical frigate. The starship had facilities for up to 700 wounded soldiers, a full staff of medical droids and Alliance specialists, and sixteen bacta tanks. Because of the extra equipment consuming much of the space on the ship, most of the frigate's weapons were replaced with backup power generators, shield projectors, and life support systems. Luke Skywalker received a prosthetic hand onboard the Redemption when he lost his right hand during the duel with Darth Vader on Bespin. |
CLASS:Corellian Engineering Corporation CR90 Corvette |
SIZE:150 meters long |
SPEED:2100G and Class 2 CEC subspace hyperdrive system, or 950 kilometers per hour in atmosphere |
CAPACITY:Between 30 and 165 crew members and up to 600 passengers, or approximately 3,000 metric tons of cargo depending on configuration |
WEAPONS:6 Taim & Bak H9 turbolaser cannons |
DEFENSES:Phoah-Kingsmeyer 484-J4e screen control and shield projector, and Ferro-Magensium ceramic hull |
DESCRIPTION:When Princess Leia captured the plans to the Death Star, she attempted to flee in a Corellian corvette called the Tantive IV. These corvettes were well known for their ability to elude Imperial capture and therefore earned the nickname, "Rebel Blockade Runner". It is an older-model starship that can serve as a troop carrier, light escort vehicle, cargo transport, or even passenger liner. The starship has a very fast sublight drive and an efficient hyperjump calculator. Rebel blockade runners can support as many as eight turbolasers, six laser cannons, and four ion cannons. Standard shield generators protect the ship during brief attacks, but a Star Destroyer's weaponry can quickly overpower them. |
CLASS:Mon Calamari MC80 Star Cruiser |
SIZE:1200 meters long |
SPEED:1550G and Class 1 TriLuna 500MGS stardrive and hyperdrive system |
CAPACITY:5,156 crew, 246 gunners, 1,200 troops, 120 starfighters, and 20,000 metric tons of cargo |
WEAPONS:48 Taim & Bak XV9 turbolasers, 20 Armek SW-7 ion cannons, 6 Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors |
DEFENSES:Serridge SEAL shielding system and reinforced titanium alloy hull |
DESCRIPTION:When the Mon Calamari joined the Rebel Alliance, they donated a fleet of Mon Cal cruisers to the Rebel fleet. The cruisers had thick hull plating alogn which overlapping deflector shields. This allowed damaged shield arrays to be replaced during combat without exposing the starship to enemy fire. Mon Cal cruisers represented the majority of the Rebel fleet at Endor. Home One served as the command ship and perosonal flagship of Admiral Ackbar. Most Rebel starships are designed for ease of use, but Mon Cal cruisers are specifically designed for Mon Calamari anatomy. Because of this unique design, they are not easy to repair. Nevertheless, their entrance into the war was pivotal in the Emperor's defeat. |