The hyperdrive allows starships to accelerate faster than light and propel it into the dimension called hyperspace. A vehicle can cover huge expanses of space in an instant. Hyperdrives are generally equipped with navigational computers to determine safe routes around stars, planets, asteroids, and stellar debris. Hyperdrives are categorized by class, with lower classes meaning faster speeds.
  • Class 3 - civilian craft
  • Class 2/Class 1 - most military vehicles
  • Class 0.75/Class 0.5 - rare or result of exceptional modifications


An ion engine is a propulsion person found on virtually every starship and is responsible for nonhyperspace travel. It is powered by local power cells, liquid reactants, or onboard generators. The device uses an internal fusion reaction to produce stream of charged particles, which is channeled through the engine's exhaust ports to provide forward movement.


A repulsorlift engine is commonly used by land, atmosphere, and spacecraft. The system uses a fusion generator to produce a antigravity field, which enables the vehicle to hover anywhere between a few centimeters and several hundred meters above a planet's surface. It is the primary engine system found on airspeeders. Starships and fighters use repulsorlifts to travel or land inside atmosphere. Repulsorlifts can be integrated into flying droids, hovering cargo containers, and floating cities.


Sublight drives maneuver vehicles through realspace, and usually employ one of several engine technologies, including ion engines. Sublight drives are always engaged when leaving atmosphere and during space battles. They also protect pilots and passengers from varying gravitic effects during sudden changes in acceleration.


Blaster cannons are limited range heavy artillery weapons that fire bursts of energy. They are quite effective during atmospheric combat against ground troops or military structures. They can be mounted on many repulsorlift craft and other ground vehciles, but blaster cannons are not as powerful as laser cannons.


Concussion missiles travel at sublight speeds and cause damaging shock waves upon impact. They are especially effective against large, stationary targets and capital ships. The missile was originally developed by pirates and mercenaries and later adapted by the Empire to use aboard bombers. Rebels used concussion missiles to destroy the Death Star II.


Ion cannons are capable of disabling starships without causing damage. The Armek SW-4 onboard the Y-Wing is one of the most common. They fire powerful bolts of ionized energy designed to overload a target's systems or fuse mechanical components. During war, ion cannons were used to capture cargo, prisoners, and prized vehicles while keeping them intact.


The laser cannon is the dominant weapon in the galaxy and is found on all military and many civilian vehicles. They are essentially large and powerful blasters that fire bolts of concentrated energy to damage their targets. They have incredible range and rapid recharge rate. Laser cannons are light, easy to install and modify, and relatively inexpensive. They are complemented by computerized targeting systems that provide increased accuracy and advanced cooling systems that prevent overheating. They draw power directly from a vehicle's generator or alternate power sources. They are effective against most structures, small ground-and aircraft, and starfighters. However, they cannot penetrate thick hulls and shields of capital ships.


The proton torpedo is a common concussion weapon found aboard modern starfighters and capital ships. They are high-speed projectiles fired from special tubes. When a torpedo impacts its target, the high-yield warhead detonates and releases a devastating wave of protons. They can bypass standard deflector shields, but can only be stopped by complete particle shielding. A well-placed torpedo can seriously cripple a capital ship. Torpedoes are aided by advanced guidance computers and are almost impossible to dodge. Variations of the proton torpedo include the proton bomb and proton hydrotorpedo.


Capital ships, military installations, and space stations support much larger and more destructive laser cannons called turbolasers. Turbolasers can tear through armored starships and destroy entire starfighter squadrons. The range of a turbolaser is between double and triple that of a laser cannon. They recharge slowly, require dedicated turbines, multiple capacitor banks, and cryogenic cooling systems. Energy flow must be monitored to avoid power surges. Turbolasers can be dodged easily by skilled pilots. Placement is critical as incomplete defensive coverage will allow starfighters to slip through openings to attack the starship or installation.


Astromech droids are general utility droids designed to aid in the maintenance and use of vehicles. They are grouped in series from R1 to R7. Most are able to calculate coordinates for hyperspace jumps, aid in navigation, and make repairs. Many starfighters are manufactured to carry astromechs in special sockets to allow the astromech to interface more efficiently. R2 units may be the most versatile as they can:
  • evaluate flight performance
  • make adjustments to increase vehicle's efficiency
  • identify, isolate, and repair malfunctions
  • store up to 10 sets of hyperspace coordinates


Cloaking devices are extremely rare and difficult to acquire. They render starships invisible to sensors by disrupting electromagnetic waves that can be detected by scanners. Cloaks are traditionally powered by stygium crystals. The Emperor researched new cloaking technologies, seeking alternatives to stygium-powered devices. Most experiments were unsuccessful, but at least one working prototype was produced. All modern, nonstygium cloaking devices were bulky and required independent power sources, which limited use to larger starships.


Deflector shields are vital to survival aboard any starship. They surround craft in two protective force fields: ray shielding and particle shielding. Ray shielding(energy shielding) is designed to absorb radiation and raw energy, including laser cannon fire. Particle shielding repels solid objects such as concussion weapons and space debris. Ray shielding is only engaged during combat, but particle shielding is generally always activated to avoid accidental collisions. The power source determines strength of shield, radius, and amount of damage absorbed. Civilian-grade shields usually burn out after absorbing a significant amount of damage, but military-grade shields recharge over time. Ground vehicles can be equipped with weak shield generators, but only starfighters and starships carry power sources necessary to support high-end shields.


Space travel is dangerous. When a starship is disabled, passengers and crew may board escape pods: space capsules equipped with fundamental life support and survival supplies. They range from small, one person lifeboats to expensive, environmentally sealed salon pods found aboard Republic cruisers. Once launched, the pod will scan surrounding space in search of suitable planet. Rudimentary sublight drive points the pod toward this safe planet. A repulsorlift engine equipped with maneuvering jets aids in landing. Passengers are strapped into padded g-couches for protection.


The navicomputer is the key component of any navigational system and works in conjunction with the hyperdrive and sensor systems to calculate lightspeed jumps, as well as realspace trajectories and travel routes. They are programmed with hundreds of astronavigation charts and are designed to interact with astromechs and other droids. Ground vehicles and planetary aircraft use nav computers to determine safe routes over land or in atmosphere.


While traveling throughout the galaxy, starships are constantly gathering information from the space around them. Starship pilots need to identify and locate other starships, stellar hazards, planets and moons, and galactic anomalies. Planetary vehicles need to collect similiar data, including updates relating to the terrain and weather. The sensor array scans the surrounding area and sends the information to onboard computers, which then displays updates for the pilot and crew. Passive-mode sensors only evalutae the area directly around a vessel. More powerful scan-mode sensors can gather information in a much wider range. Search-mode sensors are programmed to search for information in specific directions. Focus-mode sensors can closely study a small area of space or environment. The most common scanners are:
  • electro-photo receptors(EPRs)
  • full-spectrum transceivers(FSTs)
  • dedicated energy recptors(DERs)
  • crystal gravfield traps(CGTs)
  • hyperwave signal interceptors(HSIs)
  • life-form indicators(LFIs)


Nearly all weapon systems are complemented by targeting computers designed to acquire and track fast-moving objects, such as an enemy starfighter. They communicate with a navicomputer and sensor array to identify possible targets within range. The targeting computer can also calculate trajectories to determine attack and intercept courses. Aboard larger starships, independent combat computers control turret servos to make constant adjustments, improving firing accuracy throughout a battle. However, targeting computers can never replace a competent pilot or skilled gunner and can't predict the unexpected movements of a creative enemy or react intuitively to new situations.


Tractor beams are modified force fields capable of immobilizing and moving objects in space. They are most often used to guide incoming starships into landing bays. Other craft use tractor beams to move salvage or cargo, retrieve stranded vehicles or pilots, and reposition space stations and orbital structures. Imperial Star Destroyers use tractor beams to capture enemy vessels, which can then be boarded or destroyed by turbolasers. They require a great deal of onboard space, maintenance, and power. The largest tractor beams demand crews of ten technicians and operators, and are dependent upon a bulky reactor. Tractor beams aboard the Death Star were coupled to the main reactor, which provided a constant flow of energy.


The Empire developed artificial gravity well generators, which sent out powerful waves that disrupted mass lines in space. This simulated the presnese of a large stellar body(asteroid/planet). The presence of this simulated mass prevented ships from engaging their hyperdrives and dropped ships already in hyperspace back to realspace. G-7x generators are the main weapon of Imperial Interdictor-class heavy cruisers. Powering up the generators takes 30 seconds and it takes the capacitors 40 seconds to shunt power and completely recycle. This great energy output also affects movement and handling of the interdictor.


The Death Star's main weapon unleashed a great amount of energy capable of destroying entire planets. The energy started in the station's core and then was channeled into an array of eight laser cannons. The beams converged into one large blast that was directed from the eye-shaped area of the Death Star. Teams of highly skilled Imperial gunners manned control stations, managing the mammoth weapon. With this weapon, the Death Star destroyed the planet of Alderaan, but it was destroyed at the Battle of Yavin. The Empire built a second Death Star and the new cannon could target capital ships and supported frequent firing. Like its predecessor, it was destroyed.